Students who are interested in following the Pre-Law program will find helpful information and links needed to prepare to apply to law school on this page. Any students who are seriously considering applying to law school, or would just like some more information, are encouraged to meet with the Pre-Law Advisor, Amanda Donahoe.

Pre-Law Timeline

Freshman and Sophomore Years

  • Meet with the Pre-Law Advisor. Join Pre-Law Canvas page.
  • Begin taking some of the suggested courses to develop your analytical and writing skills that are valued by law schools.
  • Concentrate on maintaining a high GPA.
  • Plan to satisfy your TREK requirements.
  • Take PSC 208 Introduction to Law.

Junior Year

  • Complete your TREK requirements.
  • Volunteer or intern with a lawyer or local law office.
  • Begin preparing for the LSAT and familiarize yourself with Study and take practice LSATs online. Register for an LSAT prep course if you desire to take one.
  • Continue to maintain a high GPA.
  • Take PSC 355 Constitutional Law and/or PSC 356 Constitutional Rights and Liberties.
  • Meet with the Pre-Law Advisor to discuss your courses and the application process.
  • If feasible, during the summer visit some of the law schools that are on your wish list.
  • Take the LSAT in summer between Junior and Senior year.

Senior Year

  • Maintain a high GPA.
  • Request letters of recommendation as early as possible. Update your résumé and share it with your recommenders.
  • Register to take the LSAT early in the Fall if you did not take it over summer or wish to re-take it.
  • Attend law forums or law school fairs, locally or online.
  • Write your personal statement. Ask the Pre-Law Advisor, other trusted faculty advisors, and friends to proofread it.
  • Complete applications to law schools via LSAC’s Credential Assembly Service. Many schools use a “rolling admissions” procedure and this benefits students who apply early.


Pre-Law FAQs

What factors are considered in admission to law school?

Far and away the most important factors influencing law school admissions are a student’s GPA and their scores on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Extracurricular activities and letters of recommendation are usually only important in borderline cases. 

When should I take the LSAT?

A: The LSAT should be taken either in June after your junior year or September/October of your senior year. Students are not advised to take the LSAT earlier, as generally students perform better after completing their junior year. 

Should I take the LSAT once for practice?

A: Students should definitely not take the LSAT for practice. When LSAT scores are reported, law schools receive the scores for all tests taken. Schools do place an emphasis on the highest score, so if you do receive a score below your expectations it may be a good idea to take the test again. However, this should not be your strategy from the start. 

Should I take a commercial LSAT preparation course?

A: The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) does not recommend taking a commercial course, however, for students who have difficulty with standardized tests a prep course may help to reduce anxiety and increase confidence. At the very least the course will not harm your LSAT scores. Although these courses are expensive, members of the Pre-Law Society receive a discount from Princeton Review. All students should take the sample test included in the LSAT registration or from other LSAT information guides, as it is very helpful to know what kinds of questions are on the LSAT.

Are there any tips for taking the LSAT?

A: You should begin studying well in advance of your test date so that you know and are comfortable with the kinds of questions that will be on the test (many prep courses will involve at least 3 to 4 months of preparation). Use the study skills you developed at Centenary. Practice taking the test. Sample tests are available on the Law School Admissions Council website ( You don’t want to have to waste time reading directions, so you should go in knowing what to expect from the test. Get a good night’s sleep.
- See more at:

What is the best major for Pre-Law?

A: The LSAC recommends a broadly based training in liberal arts and sciences, and thus there is no single “preferred” major. The liberal arts mission at Centenary fits this recommendation, but generally any major that stresses analytical reason, writing ability, and oral communication skills should be considered.


- See more at:

Does a double major help getting into law school?

A: No, the key is the broadly based training in liberal arts and sciences. A double major is not a factor in law school admissions. 

What about letters of recommendation?

A: Most law schools require one to three letters from professors and from a Dean or Pre-Law Advisor. You should get letters from faculty members who really know you, as general letters of recommendation carry no weight. Keep this in mind throughout your career at Centenary. Give your professors something good to write about and don’t expect them to write a good letter if you don’t show consistently good behavior throughout your career. 


Recommended Courses for Pre-Law Students:

From the ABA:

  • History, particularly American history
  • Political Theory and American Political System 
  • Ethical theory and theories of justice
  • Economics, especially microeconomics, and economics and public policy
  • Math, such as pre-calculus and financial math
  • Basic understanding of human behavior and social interaction
  • Understanding of diverse cultures, international institutions, and interdependence of nations

At Centenary you should take PSC 208: Introduction to the Law and try to take at least one course from each category:

  • Case Reading and Analysis: PSC 355: Constitutional Law or PSC 356: Civil Rights and Liberties
  • History: American History 1 or 2.
  • Ethical and Political Theory: PHIL 202: Ethics or PHIL 309: Topics in Social and Political Philosophy
  • American Political System: PSC 102: Introduction to American Politics or PSC 336: Judicial Behavior and Politics
  • International Political Institutions: PSC 324S: International Laws and Organization
  • Economics: ECON 151: Introduction to Economics; BUSN 223: Commercial Law
  • Math: PHIL 210: Symbolic Logic; ACCT 203: Principles of Accounting; ACCT 204: Managerial Cost Accounting 
  • Diverse Cultures: TREK Culture Requirement; BA Language Requirement


Contact Info

Amanda Donahoe

Associate Professor of Political Science, Legal Studies Advisor

Smith, 205A

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