Placement and Credit Through Examination

Students with at least two years of a foreign language in high school or proficiency in a language other than English for other reasons are required to demonstrate their level of proficiency through examination prior to enrolling in their first language course at the college or during the first week of classes. Students may receive both course placement and course credit for elementary and intermediate courses (101, 102; 201, 202) based on their scores on examinations administered by the Department of Languages and Cultures during orientation or based on their scores on AP examinations [Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board]. For specific information AP credit and for information on the scheduling and evaluation of departmental tests, see the Chair of the department.


Major Requirements for the B.A. In French

A candidate for the B.A. in French must complete forty-eight hours of coursework in French, related LANG courses, and supportive courses.

  1. Thirty-six hours in French or related LANG courses are required.
  2. Of these thirty-six hours, sixteen must be in courses numbered above 202.
  3. Twelve hours (three courses) in supportive coursework in English numbered above 101 or History courses approved by the advisor.


Minor Requirements for French 

For a minor in French or Spanish, students must complete 20 hours of coursework in French or Spanish, at least 4 hours of which must be numbered 300 or above.


Departmental Honors

A major may be admitted to the Department’s Honors Program if he or she has attained junior standing and meets the other requirements. For details, consult the department Chair.

Requirements for the B.S. in Business for the Business/Foreign Language Coordinate Program

This coordinate program with the Department of Languages and Cultures is designed to prepare students for a career in international business or to work in a business environment where Spanish or French is the predominate language. The student admitted to this program will major in Business Administration with either a Commerce or an International Business Concentration.

  1. Students must complete both the required and supportive courses in the business core.
  2. Students must complete eight hours of upper-level (300+) foreign language courses. These courses should be chosen with the advice of a professor of the chosen language.
  3. The student must experience life in a foreign country. This experience may be completed by means of an international May term, participating in an international study program, or working as an intern in a foreign country. Centenary in Paris does not meet this requirement.
  4. Questions regarding other options for fulfilling the international requirement and general inquiries concerning the program should be addressed to the Dean of the Frost School of Business and the Chair of the Languages and Cultures Department.


Escadrille Louisiane Program

Escadrille Louisiane is a program for Louisianians with a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution who aspire to teach French in Louisiana schools. Named after Escadrille Lafayette, a group of 200 Americans who trained as pilots to fly for the French during World War I, the goal of Escadrille Louisiane is to fill Louisiana schools with qualified and certified fluent-French speakers from Louisiana who have their state’s heritage languages and culture at heart. Learn more about program requirements and the application process. 

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