Lindy Broderick

Visit the Chaplain Page
Chaplain and Director of the Christian Leadership Center B.A., Louisiana Tech University; M.A., Louisiana Tech University; Theological Studies, Garrett Theological Seminary
318.869.5112 Smith Building, 121

Ashley Dehart

Academic Support and Disabilities Services Coordinator BA - Louisiana Tech University
318.869.5738 Magale 205
Director of Counseling and Health Information B.A., Louisiana Tech University, 1981. M.S.W., Louisiana State University, 1986.
318.869.5424 Rotary Hall, Lower Level

Willisa Gaut

Assistant Director of Student Involvement B.S, Wiley University; M.S., Southern University and A&M College
318.869.5142 Moore Student Union Building, Main floor

Mark Miller

Visit Student Life
Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students B.S., Truman State University. M.A., Appalachian State University.
318.869.5023 Moore Student Union Building (SUB), B5

Ricki Rebollar-Becerra

Director of Student Involvement B.G.S, Henderson State University; M.S., Henderson State University
318.869.5292 Moore Student Union Building, Main floor

Katherine Shamburger

Director of Residence Life & Student Conduct BA, Centenary College of Louisiana; MA, University of Mississippi
318.869.5280 SUB B6

Chloe Suire

Counseling Services Intern Kinesiology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette Rotary, Ground Floor
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