Registration Notices shows you whether there is anything, such as a hold or a negative enrollment status or academic standing, that will prevent you from registering. You can also see your Time Ticket (a.k.a., your Registration Window). This is the time that will be allowed to register for the term you've selected.
Holds shows you the active holds on your account. Depending on the type of hold, you may be prevented from adding or dropping classes, viewing your transcript, seeing your grades, or sending your official transcript. Click on the white down arrow to see when the hold was placed and what it prevents. Please contact the office that issued the hold to find out how to remove the hold. Click here to see a list of common holds, what they prevent, and which office to contact.
Many instructors use Canvas, but anything in Canvas is unofficial. The grades recorded in Banner are official.
To see your grades in BannerWeb, follow these steps.
Please note that if you have a hold, you will not be able to see your grades until that hold is removed.
Also, while grades are due at a certain time, that does not mean that they are live at that time. There are many other steps the Registrar's Office must complete before grades are finalized. We strive to have grades posted by 5PM on the date grades are due, according to the academic calendar.
If you have a question about any grade, please contact your instructor.
You can drop a class with no penalty during the first seven class days of the spring or fall term. After that, you can drop until the posted last day to drop for the term (check the academic calendar). If you want to drop after the posted drop date, you will need to file a petition.
During your normal enrollment period, you will meet with your advisor to register for the next term. After a term begins, classes can only be added during the first seven class days of a fall or spring term (second class day for August/May terms). You will have to file a petition if you want to add a class after that period.
Per the academic catalog, students can request to receive a grade of NC (no credit) for TREK 115. This request must be made using the Course Modification form and must be submitted by the last date to drop a class for the term.
Once it's clear that you will likely not pass TREK 115, submit the Course Modification form. Select the option to change to P/D/F. When the Registrar's Office receives the form, they will enter an NC as your final grade for TREK 115. When the change has been made, both you and your advisor will receive a copy of the completed form.
Please note that the NC option applies to TREK 115 only. If you want to change to NC after the last date to drop, you will need to petition, just like you would for a late drop.
You can modify a course (change the way it is graded) with no penalty during the first seven class days of the spring or fall term. After that, you can modify a course until the posted last day to drop for the term (check the academic calendar). If you want to modify a course after the posted drop date, you will need to file a petition.
Centenary’s Repeat/Replace policy allows a student to retake any class ONCE (aside from courses that are already repeatable, such as WAC) in an attempt to earn a higher grade. The highest grade earned will replace the lower grade and this is the only grade that will factor into the Centenary GPA.
The Repeat/Replace form can be found here. The repeat/replace process is not automatic. If no form is submitted, no grade change will occur.
Please note:
Use this form to
Fill out Form
When you entered Centenary, you were assigned a primary (major) advisor. If you have changed your major, you may find that you need a new advisor in your major subject area. You may also want to add an advisor for your second major or your minor.
Note: unofficial transcripts are for personal and institutional use only - they are not intended for distribution outside of Centenary. Please order an official copy to send your transcript to another person/school/organization.
Only current students and Centenary alumni can access BannerWeb. If you are not a current student or did not graduate from Centenary, you will need to order an official transcript. If you are an alum and you do not have access to your Centenary email, you will need to contact IT to have your password reset or order an official transcript.
Note: if you have a hold, you will not be able to view your unofficial transcript and we will not be able to send your official transcript
Note: if you have a hold, we will not be able to send your official transcript until that hold is removed.
First, meet with the director of the Office of Intercultural Engagement to discuss your options. Once you have found a study abroad opportunity, submit the Transfer Course Equivalency form to the Registrar's Office to ensure that the courses you have chosen to take will transfer and will apply to your degree requirements how you want or need them to apply. If you do not submit this form prior to your departure, we cannot guarantee that your credits will be accepted or will transfer as wanted/needed. Department Chair approval is required for upper-level courses.
If you are studying abroad during a fall or spring term, you will typically be considered a Centenary student during the term(s) you are away. You will be enrolled in a 12-hour placeholder course for billing and financial aid purposes. Once your study abroad experience has ended, you will need to request that your official transcript be sent directly from that institution to the Centenary Registrar's Office so that your credit can be evaluated and awarded. When the Registrar's Office receives your transcript, the placeholder course will be replaced with the courses you actually completed and all accepted credits will be added to your Centenary transcript. No credit will be added without an official transcript. Contact the study abroad institution to request your transcript.
If you are studying abroad during a summer term, we will not enroll you in a placeholder course. However, you will still need to submit the Transfer Credit Equivalency form before you leave so that your credit can be approved and you will need to submit your official transcript after the courses have ended so that your credit can be evaluated and awarded.
The Registrar's Office does not request transcripts on your behalf. It is your responsibility to contact the institution that you attended in order to request that your transcript be sent to the Registrar's Office.
The diploma awarded to each Centenary College of Louisiana graduate is the original and there are no copies of that diploma. It is important to understand that a replacement diploma will not necessarily have the exact same signatures as the original due to personnel changes and the diploma will indicate that it is a duplicate diploma.
To order your duplicate diploma, please fill out, print, and sign the Duplicate Diploma Order Form. Then mail, fax, email, or hand-deliver the form to the Registrar's Office.
There is a $75.00 fee for ordering a duplicate diploma. Check or money order should be made payable to Centenary College. Call the Business Office at (318) 869-5125 if you would like to pay by credit card. Just let them know it is for a replacement diploma.
The replacement diploma will be ordered once we have the above items. It can take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to receive the replacement diploma.
Note: if you are completing the current term but not returning for the next term, please notify our office by sending an email to and check for clearance from the offices listed above. We will remove you from your classes for the next term, if you are enrolled in any, and notify IT to disable your accounts. If you are planning on transferring to another school, you will need to order your Centenary transcript and have it sent to the other school.
How to Fill Out Your Degree Plan
1. Make sure you have the correct degree plan:
2. Fill out the top portion with all information.
Core Requirements
3. Using the Liberal Arts Exploration lists around page 32 (pages will vary slightly in different catalogs) write the course number (ex., BIOL 101) in each of the required core requirements.
Major Requirements
4. The major requirements are listed for you. The BIOL ### means that you get to choose what 300 or 400 level course you want to take. Add the course number beside the ###
(317) If you counted a course as your Core (BIOL 101 or 202) you may count it again in your major. The only difference is that the HRS earned becomes an X as we only count the 4 hours of credit once.
Supportive Courses
5. The supportive course required for your major are listed. Again, you may double dip and use the course in Core and in supportive. Just put an X for the HRS earned for the supportive course.
Non-Major Electives
6. Each degree requires 20 hours of non-major electives. These non-major electives may not exist or be cross-listed in your major department. For example, you did not take BIOL 321 as part of your major requirements. This course may not be counted as a non major because it is listed as a BIOL class. If you took NEUR 240 you may not count that course as a non-major elective since it is cross-listed with BIOL 240.
S and W Courses
7. Each degree requires an S class and a W class. These are capstone evaluation courses: the S is for Speech and the W is for Writing. Every Centenary graduate is expected to have reached a proficiency in speaking and writing. The S and W courses assure competency in those areas. Just so you know, the world beyond Centenary (grad school, work, etc.) recognize that Centenary graduates already have many positive competencies and many schools and employers prefer Centenary graduates!!!!
2nd Major or Minor
8. This is where you write in the requirements for your second major or minor. The requirements for all majors and minors are listed in the subject section of the catalog.
9. Each degree plan needs the student's signature and the advisor's signature. Each major and each minor must have an advisor and they must sign the degree plan.
COVID-19 Signatures
10. During the social distancing that is necessary due to the COVID-19 virus, we will accept degree plans without the needed signatures. We then use an email approval as the signature.
Degree Plans Due
11. Degree plans are due when you have reached 80 hours of earned credits. Turn in to or drop them by the Registrar's Office
Click here for detailed instructions on how to calculate your GPA.
© 2025 Centenary College of Louisiana