Expand each drop-down for more details.
Expand each drop-down for more details.
Majors and/or Concentrations
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Recommended First-Year Course Schedule for Business and Accounting students:
Students with higher High School GPAs and test scores may be enrolled in courses such as ECON 211 (fall), ECON 212 (spring), and/or BUSN 223. Students with multiple commitments (e.g. athletes) may be advised to take 12-13 hours in their first year.
Economics majors are not required to take BUSN 101 and FIN 201, but they are recommended. Economics majors with ACT scores 24 or above may consider taking ECON 211 in the fall and ECON 212 in the spring in lieu of an Humanities core.
Who to contact for information:
Barbara Davis, bdavis@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Students with acceptable AP credit may start their biology curriculum with BIOL 202.
Recommended First-Year Course Schedule for Biology students:
For students with a Math ACT score of 20 or higher
For students with a Math ACT score of 20 or lower
Who to contact for information:
Scott Chirhart, schirhart@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations:
The ACS-accredited degree is appropriate for students seeking to pursue graduate work (Masters or PhD) in chemistry or to work in chemical industry immediately after graduation. Students planning to attend professional school (medical, pharmacy, allied health fields) would find adequate preparation in the shorter chemistry degree. The distinction between the two chemistry degrees need not concern 1st year students too much except that it is difficult to complete the ACS-accredited degree in 4 years if they do not start in General Chemistry in the 1st year. See advising information below.
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Tom Ticich, tticich@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Michelle Glaros, mglaros@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Recommended First-Year Course Schedule for Business and Accounting students:
Majors and/or Concentrations
Appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Appropriate for all students:
Appropriate for majors/minors only:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Michael Hicks, mhicks@centenary.edu for Elementary and Secondary programs
Cory Wikan, cwikan@centenary.edu for BA in Vocal Music Education
Majors and/or Concentrations:
Students completing the 3/2 program in Engineering can major in Math, Geology, Chemistry, or Biochemistry. They may also design an Individualized major.
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
David Kordahl, dkordahl@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations:
Appropriate major courses for first-year students:
For students interested in Creative Writing:
For students interested in Film and Cultural Studies:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Jeanne Hamming, jhamming@centenary.edu
Jeff Hendricks, jhendric@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations:
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
David Bieler, dbieler@centenary.edu
Scott Vetter, svetter@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Chad Fulwider, cfulwider@centenary.edu [for History questions, or general questions]
Mandi Donahoe, adonahoe@centenary.edu [for Political Science questions]
Are you pre-med?
What was your ACT score?
Have you taken already received credit for MATH 115 (calculus)?
Majors and/or Concentrations:
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students?
Music, especially for the first two years, is sequenced and prescriptive. First-year, first-semester students should plan to enroll in:
*Required every semester of study for music majors.
Good information for advisors and First-Year students to know about your program:
Applied lessons for ANY student at Centenary (MXX 140)—1hr
Email Cory Wikan for placement and registration
ALL students are welcome to participate ensembles with a short audition— Contact the Hurley Dean's Office for assistance.
MUS 111 Introduction to Music Theory—4hrs
This course may be taken by non-majors but it is essential that the student have the ability to read music
MUS 143 Music Appreciation—4hrs
This course is open to all students and Centenary, it is a Humanities Explorations course, and it does not require any previous understanding of music.
Who to contact for information?
Majors and/or Concentrations:
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Academically strong students could take other courses if they have an interest and some preparation.
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Chris Ciocchetti, cciocchetti@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations
BS in Psychology is only available through the 3-2 Speech-Language Pathology program. Students interested in this program must work with a psychology advisor directly upon admission to the College (if you get “off path” you cannot complete in 3 years).
Appropriate major courses for first-year students:
Please do not enroll first-year students in:
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information:
Amy Hammond, ahammond@centenary.edu
Jessica Alexander, jalexander@centenary.edu
Pete Zunick, pzunick@centenary.edu
Majors and/or Concentrations:
List of appropriate major courses for first-year students
Good information for advisors and First-Year students:
Who to contact for information?
David O. Cowles, dcowles@centenary.edu
© 2025 Centenary College of Louisiana