2024-2025 Members

Faculty, Humanities Division
Dr. Matthew Blasi

Faculty, Natural Sciences Division
Dr. Jarret Richardson

Faculty, Social Sciences Division
Dr. Mandi Donahoe

Trek 115 Program Director
Dr. Bellee Jones-Pierce

Director of Global Engagement
Dr. Cory Wikan, Interim

Director of Career Development and Internships
Ms. Debbie Bury

Assistant Director of Community and Civic Engagement


Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost and/or designee (ex officio)
Dr. Karen Soul, Ms. Amanda Currie (designee)

Purpose and Responsibilities

The Trek Committee administers faculty policies related to Trek degree requirements: Centenary in Paris, TREK 115: Credo, TREK 151: Service Learning, TREK 251: Independent Career Explorations and Internships, and TREK 351: Intercultural Experience. This committee approves proposed courses and independent projects that meet the criteria for Centenary in Paris, the career exploration, intercultural experience, and/or the service-learning requirements according to faculty-at-large approved guidelines. On behalf of the faculty, and subject to its authority, the faculty subcommittee of the Trek Committee initiates and recommends to the faculty policies concerning the Trek degree requirements. The Faculty Director of the first-year Trek program (CIP and TREK 115) oversees that program, seeking input from the full committee as needed. The Committee shall report all of its actions promptly to the faculty-at-large, normally through its minutes and reports at faculty meetings.


The Committee is composed of four faculty members who also comprise the faculty subcommittee (one elected by each division and the Faculty Director of the first-year Trek Program – see Voting Procedures); one student; the three staff directors of Career, Community, and Culture degree requirements; and the Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost or representative (ex officio and without vote).

The three elected faculty members serve two-year, staggered terms. The student member is recommended by SGA for a one-year appointment with possibility of renewal. One faculty member will be elected to serve as committee chairperson.

Notice of Nondiscriminatory Policy The institution does not discriminate in its educational and employment policies against any person on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, or on any other basis proscribed by federal, state, or local law.