Centenary celebrates Diversity Week October 1-4

SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary College’s Diversity Committee and Office of Community Engagement have planned a week of interactive workshops and activities to kick off diversity and inclusiveness programming for the 2018-2019 academic year. Diversity Week 2018 begins Monday, October 1 and continues through Thursday, October 4 with activities for students, faculty, staff, and the general public. All events are free of charge and are held on the Centenary campus.
Activities planned for Diversity Week and throughout the academic year will center on the theme of Intersectionality! Intersectionality refers to the social, economic, and political ways in which identity-based systems of oppression and privilege connect, overlap, and influence one another. Centenary’s Diversity Committee selected this theme as a positive way to address and explore a variety of sociocultural topics relevant to both the campus and the broader community.
Kaylan Walker is director of community engagement at Centenary and a member of the College’s Diversity Committee.
“One of the goals of Diversity Week is to promote the different spectrums of diversity that are continuously growing on the Centenary campus,” says Walker. “In addition, this week is intended to be a more robust and comprehensive opportunity to dialogue and increase awareness of the intersectionality of people, identities, and experiences.”
Diversity Week events include a session about the history of tattoos, a panel discussion featuring individual stories of intersectionality, a screening of the documentary 13th, a suicide awareness campaign, and a diversity game night. A full schedule is available at centenary.edu/diversity2018.