Centenary College plans events for Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April

SHREVEPORT, LA — Centenary College’s Department of Public Safety (DPS) has adapted its annual Sexual Assault Awareness Month events this year while the College completes the spring term remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. The department is making use of social media tools to raise awareness about sexual assault and educate the campus community about prevention.
“Sexual Assault Awareness Month is one of our most important projects during the year,” says Heather Boucher, a detective with Centenary DPS. “We are thankful that we can still engage and educate our community even though we can’t be together in person.”
2020 Sexual Assault Awareness Month Events
1 in 5 Campaign
One in five college-age women are affected by sexual assault on college campuses each year. DPS is encouraging Centenary community members to paint one fingernail teal and post an image on social media using the hashtag #CentenarySAAM to bring awareness to this grim statistic.
“Carry that Weight”
In past years, DPS sponsored a candlelight walk in remembrance of all victims of sexual assault. This year, victims are being remembered in a special video that will be shared on social media.
Stand Up, Speak Out Active Bystander Pledge
Students, faculty, staff, and other community members are encouraged to sign the Active Bystander pledge at centenary.edu/standupspeakout. Signers are pledging the following: “I pledge to stop sexual assault. If I see someone at risk for sexual assault, I will consider it an emergency and get involved immediately. I will not wait for someone else to act. If a situation becomes too serious, I will get the police involved.”
April 29 – National Denim Day
DPS is encouraging Centenary community members to wear denim on National Denim Day to raise awareness about the issue of rape and sexual assault, and to post photos on social media using the hashtag #CentenarySAAM.
Please contact Heather Boucher at hboucher@centenary.edu for more information about Sexual Assault Awareness events at Centenary.